Our Team
Our Team
Our team is our greatest strength, we take a great deal of care over staff selection, development and retention. We focus on staff development to ensure that the whole organisation is as focused on quality, value for money and timeliness as are the directors. Furthermore, we make sure that we share a set of company values and commitment with our staff and with our network of collaborators with whom we share years of established trust and mutual satisfaction.
Our WordPress / WooCommerce team - International
5 Strong Team of responsive WordPress web design and programming experts. With us for more than 25 years combined. Outstanding front-end design and implementation. English, Spanish, Catalan and Italian
Our Social Media team - International
12 strong team of multi-lingual social media experts, this world moves fast and our team move with the front-runners. Native English, Spanish and Catalan
Our Google Adwords, Analytics and Tag Manager Gurus
6 strong team. managing profitable Google AdWords campaigns with click spends from a few hundred a month up to ten thousand per month – collaborating with PWP for 10+ years Bring a near magical money-making touch to your AdWords Campaigns. We are currently working in English, Spanish and Catalan
Our Drupal team – International
Project Manager, Developers, Testers - a seasoned professional team Outstanding front end design and implementation English, Spanish, Catalan, German
Our .NET Development teams
Project Managers / Scrum Masters, Project Owners, Lead / Senior / Junior Developers, Testers, QA etc. collaborating with PWP for combined 25+ years - Web and Mobile Apps
Design and Usability Consultants
User interface specialists, taking complex software interfaces and making them beautiful, simple and inviting! German, English Collaborating with PWP for combined 15+ years
Roberto – Trainer / Consultant
WordPress trainer
Google AdWords qualified
Native Italian, fluent professional Spanish, intermediate and ever improving English, basic Catalan
Tim – Digital Strategy Leader
Digital marketing expert since 2003, SEO and email marketing specialist
WordPress & Drupal expert
Agile Project Management and Lean Start-up fanatic, your website profitability guru!
BA Economics Nottingham University after 4As at A level including further mathematics
5 years at Serif in Nottingham culminating in a role as online business manager: managing multi-million pound budgets, creating high performance teams and delivering sustained profit gains year after year, responsible for worldwide performance of 4 large websites and a weekly email broadcast schedule for over a million subscribers, achieved massive profit growth, this success funded a one year career break travelling in Europe and South America.
Returned to Europe to found Profitable Web Projects in Barcelona in 2005 which quickly became a fast growing internet marketing and technology consultancy.
One of the driving forces in most of the projects you see mentioned on the timeline.
Native English, fluent professional Spanish, high level of understanding and ever improving Catalan, intermediate French
Ben – Internet Engineer / Leader
Internet engineer since 1998, .Net programming expert
Leads massive bespoke programming projects
Developer, systems administrator, process efficiency and automation guru. If it can be on-time and on-budget, Ben makes it happen!
We strive to make sure every project - no matter how big or small - is on-time, on-budget, and to the highest level of quality.
Degree in Psychology & Social Science from Nottingham Trent University
Recruited by Rolls-Royce plc in Derby to a mixed HR / IT role. Responsible for developing a training course for resource managers during the implementation of the SAP Project Management module. Trained a cohort of trainers on the course which was then delivered around the world.
Then to the Corporate Development department, which was responsible at the corporate level for: HR policies such as performance management and management development; identifying the best 50 managers in the company capable of reaching board level, and ensuring that those managers developed the potential we identified in them; and providing HR consultancy to the business in general.
After 3 years at Rolls-Royce and having self-taught programming, set out independently under the name Array[x], a programming business doing windows and web programming on a freelance basis. Over time, Array[x]'s reputation for quality, creativity, flexibility and dedication to sticking to quotes and timescales has enabled it to develop into a larger business. Ben has been at the helm of this growth, managing projects, negotiating with suppliers, finding resources and constantly seeking out best value for clients. Ben has extensive experience of working online and offline, and of delivering projects big and small.
Native English, fluent professional Spanish, intermediate Italian, French and Catalan, basic German
Other noteworthy collaborators
Startup and entrepreneurial consultants, Symfony development team, cake PHP development, eCommerce / Magento team, eCommerce / Shopify teams, Systems administrators, SEO, copy writing & PR experts, Logo and branding designers, Internationalization experts
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