Email Sizzling
Email Sizzling
Tired of receiving spam and offers from far-away lands? So are we! That's why we sizzle our email address on our website.
The most common way for spammers to get a hold of your email address is by using computer programmes ("bots") that automatically search your website for any email addresses that are written in plain text. For example, on your contact page.
This affects a vast number of websites who assume that spam is the cost they pay for giving their potential customers an easy way to get in touch.
The good news is that this doesn't have to be the case. You can avoid further spam and you can still offer your website visitors a way to reach you via email.
By hiring us to "sizzle" your email addresses. We know how these "bots" work and can hide your email address from their prying virtual eyes, while still allowing humans, i.e. your potential customers, to click on the link to email you and to copy and paste it.
PHP Websites£60.00
Per Website
.NET Websites£120.00
Per Website
Talk to us through our live chat or call us to find out!
While this is another valid strategy to avoid spammers, it also means real people won't be able to click on or even copy and paste that email address. This translates into lost opportunities as any obstacle in the way of a potential client getting in touch with you is another opportunity for them to walk away.
Unfortunately this method won't 100% stop you from receiving spam - particularly from spammers who already have your email address and who may share it with other spammers, but it will prevent your email address from getting picked up by more bots. It means that a new spammer would have to visit your website themselves to get your email address, which is extremely unlikely!
Normally we can apply code that sizzles all of your email addresses throughout your website. If we have to manually sizzle email addresses then we charge an additional £8 per email for PHP sites and £12 per email for .NET sites. If this is required we'll contact you before proceeding with the work and you'll have the option to proceed or to request a refund - so there's nothing to worry about, if you need your email addresses sizzled - buy this service now with confidence!